Check-In Procedures

Check-in will begin at 6:00 PM on Friday. Please do not arrive sooner than this time (unless on staff or have permission) as our registration team will not be ready for your arrival. Check-in will take place from 6:00-11:00 PM on Friday and 6:00-10:00 AM on Saturday at the Camp Baker parking lot shelter.

When you arrive at Camp Baker, you will be directed to park by our service team. Once parked, visit the parking lot shelter to check in.

All participants will be checked in individually. During check-in, you will turn in your medical form, pay any outstanding fees, and receive your registration packet. You registration packet will include your conclave name badge and lanyard (conclave credentials), a schedule and map, and other important information for the weekend. Participants must have their conclave credentials to receive conclave meals and participate in program. If you don’t have your conclave name badge, you are not checked in!

During check in, you will receive your assigned housing area. Once you have completed check in, you may take your gear to your assigned housing area and then are free to enjoy conclave.

Parking & Carpooling

Camp Baker has a limited space for parking. We ask Arrowmen to carpool to conclave if possible to help reduce the number of vehicles in camp.

Because of the limited parking available at camp, RVs and camp trailers are not allowed at conclave. Additionally, understand that we may not be able to accommodate special parking needs. 

Please park backed in. 

How to Speed Up Your Check-In

Checking in 400 Arrowmen in just a few hours is no easy task. Our registration staff will be ready and waiting excitedly to check you in at conclave, but we need your help to make things go smoothly. 

Be Prepared with everything you need to check in at conclave. 

  • REGISTER: Make sure that you registered before the event. It is REQUIRED and walk-ins will not be accepted. We don’t want to turn anyone away, especially if you traveled several hours to Grants Pass. 
  • PAY: Pay before you arrive if you can. You can pay online anytime (even months after registering online) by logging back into NOAERS and paying your balance. 
  • BE YPT COMPLIANT: If you are 18 or older, make sure your Youth Protection Training is current. If your YPT date is incorrect in your registration (NOAERS) profile or you have been contacted by the registration staff, please bring a copy of your YPT certificate. 
  • BE BSA REGISTERED: All adults (18+) staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult, fee-required position with the BSA. BSA registration is checked by our registration team and those found to not be in compliance will be notified to correct the issue or prior to checking in at conclave. 
  • MEDICAL FORM: Have a printed copy of your complete and signed BSA Annual Health and Medical Record Part A & B ready when you arrive. 

Having these things ready when you arrive will significantly speed up your check-in, meaning you spend less time in line and more time meeting new friends and having fun.