All conclave participants will housed in one of Camp Baker’s many campsites. Campsites will be assigned based on your registration information and will take into account Youth Protection requirements.

Please note, Camp Baker has limited Adirondack camping accommodations. It is strongly recommended that all conclave participants bring their own tent.

Sleeping in your personal vehicle in the parking lot is permitted.

Housing Assignments

To ensure all Youth Protection policies are followed, each Arrowman will be assigned a housing location for conclave. These assignments were made based on Youth Protection policy requirements and took into consideration any special housing accommodations listed on your registration. 

NOTE: Housing assignments are subject to change at any time. The online list is a planning tool only. Your final housing assignments will be given at check in. For specific housing questions or concerns, please contact

Special Accommodations

If you require special housing accommodations for health or mobility reasons, please indicate those needs on your registration. We may not be able to accommodate your needs if they are not listed!


CPAP Users: There is very limited housing available with power accessibility. CPAP users should plan to bring their own battery to operate their CPAP machines. There will be a place to charge batteries during the day, if needed. 

RVs & Camp Trailers

Due to the physical parking space available at Camp Baker, RVs and camp trailers will not be allowed at conclave. 

If you require the use of an RV or camp trailer, you may consider making a reservation at one of these nearby locations. 


If you have any questions about camping accommodations at conclave, please contact