2021 Section Campfire Recap

Thank you for joining us on April 5th, for our second Section Campfire!

Our campfire was held virtually on April 5th, and broadcasted on YouTube and our website. During the campfire, each lodge chief and section officer gave an update on what the lodge and section are up to, and plans for the next few months as we navigate through this time together. We also had a special guest , 2021 Western Region Chief Dakota Morosi, who gave us some insight and updates on the region. After that, we did a Q/A session and answered questions from our social media channels and the live audience.

Again, thanks to those who joined us. If you missed it, you can watch the full replay of the Section Campfire on our YouTube channel.

If you have any questions, you’d like us to answer, please feel free to reach out to us on social media, BAND, website, or via email at communications@sectionw1s.org.

Ryo Takei
2021 Section W-1S Secretary

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!