Section Leadership

The Council of Chiefs, or COC, is the body of youth leaders and adult advisers that handle all of the section’s operations. The COC is responsible for planning the annual section conclave and providing support to the lodges in the section. 

The Council of Chiefs consists of the section chief, vice chief, secretary, immediate past section chief, one representative from each lodge (typically the lodge chief or their proxy), other Arrowman as appointed, the section advisers, lodge advisers, and section staff adviser. Only the section officers, immediate past section chief (if under 21) and lodge representatives vote in section business. 

Section Officers

The Section G16 officers are responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the section, its events, and communications, as well as providing a key link from the national level to the lodges.

The section officers are elected annually by the youth members of the section at the annual conclave. 

Section Chief

Section Vice Chief

Hannah McCullough

Bio coming soon!

Jackson is an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor member of Tsisqan Lodge and a member of Troop 114 in Roseburg, OR.

Previously, Jackson has served as lodge chief, lodge service vice chief, lodge administrative vice chief, and chapter service vice chief. He also serves on camp staff for the Oregon Trail Council at Camp Baker and Camp Melakwa. He has also attended the NYLT and the National Leadership Seminar.

Jackson currently attends Umpqua Community College and plans to transfer to the University of Oregon to earn his masters in history and political science with the goal of teaching at a community college. He is also involved in the Umpqua Community Band.

In his free time, Jackson enjoys participating in ban in the community and other colleges. When asked what his favorite memory of the OA is, he states, “my favorite memory was when I went to my first NOAC as an Ordeal member and experienced Scouting outside of my stat and met tons of new people and had a great time with my friends.”

Section Secretary

Section Advisers

Section advisers provide support to the officers throughout the section and its events.

Section Adviser

Brian Gray

Brian is an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor member of Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge. Previously, Brian has served as associate section adviser, conclave vice chief adviser, and a DYLC guide. While a youth, Brian served as section chief, section vice chief, and lodge chief. Brian is a a section Arrow of Honor and Founder’s Award recipient. 

In his free time, Brian enjoys exploring the Pacific Northwest and outdoor cooking and hopes to visit every National Park.

Associate Section Adviser

Cheryl Hunker

Cheryl is a Vigil Honor member of Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge. In addition to serving as associate section adviser, she serves as Wauna La-Mon’tay lodge’s program adviser. Previously, Cheryl has served as a den leader, unit committee member, “special assistant to the Scoutmaster,” and on staff for NOAC, National Jamboree and Woodbadge. Cheryl is a recipient of the District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver, Lodge Service Award, Founder’s Award, OA Centurion Award, section Arrow of Honor, and James E. West. She has also attended NLS and NLATS. 

In her free times, Cheryl enjoys family activities.

Associate Section Adviser

Chris Graves

Chris is an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor member of Tsisqan Lodge. Previously, he has served as lodge adviser, chapter adviser, Camp Baker and Camp Melakwa summer camp program director. He has staffed five National Jamborees and the 2019 World Jamboree. He has served as contingent leader for four NOACs and on DYLC and NLS staff. In addition to associate section adviser, Chris serves as the Camp Baker properties committee chair and the Scoutmaster for the Oregon Trail Council’s 2023 National Jamboree contingent. He is a Founder’s Award, Centurion Award, and section Arrow of Honor recipient. 

In his free time, Chris enjoys traveling, reading history, and camping. 

Section Staff Adviser

Scott Impecoven

Scott is a Vigil Honor member of Tsisqan Lodge, Founder’s Award recipient, and serves as the Scout executive for the Oregon Trail Council. 

On his free time, Scott enjoys riding hi motorcycle, sports, and backpacking.