2022 Gateway Region SOS Recap

On October 21-23, 2022, section officers and advisers from across the region gathered in Kansas City for the first-ever Gateway Region Section Officer’s Seminar (SOS). 

Our section officers and advisers all flew into Kansas City, Missouri on Friday and drove to the Tall Oaks camp in Kansas City, Kansas and started training that night. Training topics included diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), how to support our lodges, and what we wanted to do with the future of our section. Most of all, we had some great fellowship with other section officers from around the region. There was also a trading post with all the amazing Gateway Region merch. 

Before heading back home, some of us got to go on a tour of Arrowhead Stadium, home of the Kansas City Chiefs. 

From playing with playdoh, walking to a different airport terminal to get some barbeque, and learning how to support our lodges, the SOS was a great success. 

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!