2023 Tsisqan Workshop Weekend Recap

On the weekend of February 24-26, Tsisqan Lodge held this year’s Workshop Weekend event. Scouts arrived Friday night to an energetic atmosphere filled with games of all kinds. Registration was quick and productive, and everyone enjoyed a delicious cracker barrel prepared by our awesome cook crew.

We all woke up to a brisk morning and, after a little bit of warming up and eating breakfast, got right back into the action. All day long there were lots of different trainings and activities to attend including Dutch Oven cooking, unit recruitment, developing youth leaders, Elangomat training, outdoor cooking, and more. Right before dinner and evening flags, we held a Brotherhood ceremony where four people obtained Brotherhood!

Dinner was amazing, and for the rest of the night everyone continued their gaming exploits from the night before. Cleanup the next morning was swift, and we all got out ahead of schedule. Overall the event was a bunch of fun, and I can’t wait to see how Service Weekend goes!

Ethan Green
2023 Tsisqan Lodge Ceremonies Vice Chief

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!