2024 Tsisqan Baker Induction Recap

Tsisqan Lodge’s 2024 Baker Induction took place June 14-16 at Camp Baker. The weekend was effective to say the least!

Twenty-seven candidates went through their Ordeal over the course of the weekend — certainly one of the larger groups in recent years. In addition, three members went through Brotherhood, each completing their Quest for the Arrow, and five members received the Vigil Honor. Overall, it was a great weekend for membership!

Over the course of the weekend, Tsisqan Lodge hit 1000 hours of service for the year. Members and candidates alike helped install the docks, set up tents and tent platforms, cleared overgrown trails, and more. All of the service provided over the weekend not only helps to prepare for summer camps, but also for conclave in September. After all, conclave will be at Camp Baker, so an extra thanks to all who gave their time in preparation for this year’s section-wide event!

Dinner Saturday night was a welcome repast from the day’s self denial. The feast of barbecue chicken was delicious, and the lodge topped the night off with some pineapple upside-down cake. During dinner was the New Member Orientation, and the lodge officers introduced themselves and gave some history and need-to-know-information about the Order of the Arrow. They also introduced the Jim Vitus Service Award to all the new members, and reminded everyone to keep working on this special 80th Anniversary activity!

The weekend was a great opportunity for leadership and cheerful service. No one went without a job, and those with jobs performed them to the best of their ability. I’m excited by what Tsisqan Lodge was able to accomplish at Baker Induction, and can’t wait to see how Melakwa Induction goes!