2024 Wauna Inductions & Ceremonies Conference

by Kol H.


The Wauna Inductions and Ceremonies Conference (WICC) is Wauna La-Mon’tay’s weekend event with the sole purpose of preparing for the spring inductions! At WICC there are many fun games, activities, competitions, trainings, and workshops to teach and improve our ceremonialists, Elangomats, and induction masters.

New to ceremonies or the induction process? At WICC there will be many introductory classes and hands-on activities for you to explore what you are interested in. Are you an experienced ceremonialist? Learn the finer points of ceremonies with gestures, movement, intonation, and symbolism. There are also many other workshops and classes both for youth and adults relating to unit elections, being an Elangomat, callout ceremonies, certification, drumming, and running ceremony teams!

The theme this year is “Strengthen the Ties of Brotherhood.” Not only will you be learning and practicing new things, but you’ll also meet new people, make friends, and have fun!

Join us for WICC, at Camp Meriwether, from January 26-28. Register here!

Any questions? Contact me at ceremonies@cpc-oa.org.