Scouting America’s High Adventure program is the pinnacle of adventure, exploration, and brotherhood. It offers a unique experience for Scouts and Scouters who desire something more. But Arrowmen have the opportunity to take it to another level with OA High Adventure (OAHA)! Through the OA, you can join with other members from across the country to provide important service to the high adventure bases while enjoying the amazing surroundings and activities they provide.
In order to make OAHA more accessible to the Arrowmen in our lodges, the section offers an OAHA scholarship! This is designed for members who will continue to provide service to the OA and their lodges, and take their experiences from the programs to their home chapters and units. To qualify, you must meet the eligibility requirements and submit the application.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Have attended the Section G16 Conclave in the year prior to the selected OAHA program.
- Be a member in good standing with a lodge in Section G16.
- Have approval from your lodge adviser.
- Have approval from your council Scout executive or their designee.
- Meet all requirements for the selected OAHA program.
It is recommended to submit your application before Jan. 31.
For more information about the scholarship, the programs available, and the application submission form, please see