Tsisqan 2022 In Review

2022 was an eventful year for Tsisqan Lodge. We kicked off the year by introducing Mark Stueve as our new lodge adviser. After that, we held a Polestar training at the council office in Eugene, which was led by Ryo Takei, our former Section G16 Vice Chief. Then to end our winter time festivities, we had our Winter Workshop Wonderland at Camp Baker, a weekend filled with fun activities, good food, and friendship all around.

Moving closer to spring, the National Leadership Seminar came back to our wonderful state for the first time since 2017. We had over a dozen youth and adults in attendance at NLS and DYLC, the subsequent training for adult leadership. We then wrapped up our greatly successful election season and prepared for our Camp Baker service weekend. A lot of work was done to clean up camp, from clearing out brush down by the Archery and Rifle ranges, to the dismantling of the old medical lodge in preparation for work to begin on the new building. 

Following a series of effectively executed callouts and welcome sessions, Tsisqan Lodge held its Spring Induction Weekend. Our candidates worked hard throughout the day on Saturday alongside their Elangomats while other members were completing other projects. After the long day’s work, those twenty-two candidates became members of Tsisqan Lodge. But the day’s events were far from over. After welcoming our new members and having the chance to talk over a long awaited dinner, we gathered as a lodge in the parade grounds and held our Vigil callout ceremony. There, three of four Vigil candidates were invited to proceed. After what I consider to be a second Ordeal, all three of the candidates received the Vigil honor, myself included. The experience I had during that time was one of my most memorable moments during my time in the Order of the Arrow.

Then finally, it came time to travel across the country to Knoxville, Tennessee, for the 2022 National Order of the Arrow Conference. Our contingent flew from Eugene, Oregon, stopping in Denver, to Nashville. We spent the night in Nashville before heading to Dollywood the next day, a part of our trip that would not have been possible without the massive generosity of Paul Kelly. After our day at Dollywood, we rode to Knoxville, where we spent a week in the company of our fellow Arrowman from across the country, taking classes to help improve our Scouting experiences to making friends with so many new people. 

Although, the week came to a close sooner than a handful of us expected. Several of our Arrowman tested positive for Covid-19, as well as people from multiple other lodges, myself included. We were quarantined in the dorms until we were moved offsite. After a night in a hotel, myself and four others began our harrowing journey driving home from Tennessee, and thus became the story of “Stubby J and the Covid 4.”

Following our hijinks at NOAC, we transitioned back to school, just in time for conclave, which was at Powerland Heritage Park in Brooks, Oregon. A fun weekend full of great classes, good food, and lots of interesting items at the auction. It was a great weekend that culminated in our very own Jackson McCullough being elected to the position of section vice chief.

Then, because of the dates of NOAC, our Summer induction was postponed until the end of September, making it Fall Induction. There, after a long days work, Tsisqan Lodge inducted sixteen more members, and the fourth and final Vigil candidate earned the Vigil Honor. With our induction season at a close, there was only one more event in our year.

It was time for our largest event of the year, Annual Fellowship. This year was based on Law and Order, as well as other aspects of the criminal investigation process. There were lots of fun activities like a scavenger hunt and an escape room, that both added on to our live show that was performed at times throughout the entire weekend. While there, we held our lodge leadership elections. 

We had an entire new cabinet elected this year. Ian Wakeling was elected as Administrative Vice chief, Ben Salsbury as Membership Vice Chief, Ethan Green as Ceremonies Vice Chief, Hannah McCullough as Service Vice Chief, and myself, Sam Colbert as Tsisqan Lodge Chief for 2023.

So all in all, 2022 was an eventful year for the lodge. We had plenty of ups and downs. And I look forward to the opportunity to lead you all through the ups and downs of 2023. So let’s raise a proverbial glass and welcome the new year with open arms, because you never know what’s going to happen, but the one thing we can do… is be prepared.


— Sam Colbert, Tsisqan Lodge Chief

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!