2022 Lo La’Qam Geela Fall Fellowship Recap

Fall Fellowship this year was one to remember for Lo La’Qam Geela Lodge. After a last minute location change due to weather, Lo La’ moved the event to a church in Medford and still pulled it off perfectly.

This year, the lodge had a record number of attendees, enjoying fellowship with our fellow brothers through the theme of a very popular movie series. The theme this year for Lo La’s Fall Fellowship was “The Order Strikes Back”, inspired by the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars trivia, games, lightsaber battles, monopoly, basketball, and dodgeball were the weekend hits for the lodge.

The youth elected new members of the Lodge Executive Council, which include Nadia Zawinsky as Lodge Chief, Payshens Cichy as Vice Chief of Activities, Eoghan Morgan as Vice Chief of Programs, Anson Fleck as Vice Chief of Administration, Tristan Green as Vice Chief of Membership, and Jonathan Morris as Vice Chief of Treasury. We received 3 new Vigil honor members, including Susie Smelser, Jackson Zagone, and Max Blankenhip. Numerous Arrowmen were recognized for their achievements in the year of 2022.

See you all at conclave!