Reflections of 2022: Thoughts from Leaders Across the Section

We asked youth and adult leaders from around the section about their experiences in 2022, their goals for 2023, and what they are most looking forward to next year.

What is the biggest lesson you learned in 2022?

Change can be good.

Fred Linton
Tsisqan | Lodge Vigil Adviser

I have a pretty good life; great family, great friends, and great Brothers in Scouting.

Richard Graves
Tsisqan | Yaquina Chapter Adviser

Put down the screens and just do what you need to do. With all of the time distracted, it can be used for something more productive.

Jackson McCullough
Tsisqan | Section Vice Chief

That communications from the top down is a never ending struggle.

Rick Baumann
Wauna La-Mon’tay | Chapter Adviser

If you had to sum up 2022 in just three words, what would they be and why?

Year to Remember. Returning to full time in-person events helped make 2022 a year to remember. Seeing so many OA members once again fully engaged, having a great time together, providing service helped blur the challenges of 2020 and 202, and arriving on the other side stronger!

William Norton
Wauna La-Mon’tay | Chapter Adviser

Fun, eventful, and exiting. I’ve had a lot of fun this year with my own lodges events to bigger section and national events like NOAC. Our lodge has been busy this year with many successful events and inductions. I’m very exited for this new year with many opportunity’s for our lodge arising and our 80th anniversary swiftly approaching.

Ben Salsbury
Tsisqan | Lodge Membership Vice Chief

What are your goals or resolutions for 2023?

My goals for 2023 are to make our section as good as I can make it. I also want to inspire the next group of Arrowmen by staffing at NLS.

Jack Lewy
Wauna La-Mon’tay | Section Secretary

Continue to promote membership growth within the lodge. Encouraging dynamic induction processes from election, welcoming, induction, brotherhood, and retention of current members. It’s all about maintaining personal contact with other members around you and being the first to making friends of newly inducted members.

Richard Salsbury
Tsisqan | Lodge Membership Adviser

1. Spend more time fly fishing and spending time outdoors.
2. Read more books and spend less time scrolling social media.
3. Walk my dog more to improve both of our health.

Joe Raade
Tsisqan | Associate Lodge Adviser

Increase membership and active participation in our chapter.

Jason Clark
Wauna La-Mon’tay | Cascadia Chapter Membership Adviser

What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

I’m looking forward to the National Jamboree in July. From what I’ve heard this is pretty much a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I’m really excited to have the chance to go to Bechtel this summer.

Elijah Vennebush
Wauna La-Mon’tay | Cascadia Chapter Programs & Communications VC

ArrowCorps 2023. Wauna La-Mon’tay’s sixth weeklong service project. This year is shaping up to be our best ever. We will have more options to service. August 20-25.

Dick Phillips
Wauna La-Mon’tay | Lodge Adviser

Welcoming in a brand new class of Arrowmen and showing them just how amazing the OA is.
Ian Wakeling
Tsisqan | Lodge Admin Vice Chief

Getting Eagle rank, completing my project, and fulfilling my duties as a chapter chief.

Jack Lighthipe
Wauna La-Mon’tay | Cascadia Chapter Chief

Thank you to all the leaders in our section who took the time to contribute their thoughts on the past year and their plans for 2023. We cannot wait to see what the next year holds.

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