Vice Chief Vibes – May 2023

I have a challenge for the brothers in Section G16 as summer arrives, faster than we think, to apply yourselves to complete the school year and have the best summer you can. Whether that is working, staffing at your council summer camp, or completing any of your lodge’s goals. Your involvement makes the work a lot easier and a lot more fun. 

A lot more fun can also be had at conclave! Section G16 has just opened registration for the 2023 conclave at Rogue Community College on September 8-10. There are a little more than 100 days until conclave and if we have over 100 members sign up by July 16th, I will get my head shaved at conclave. Our other officers have similar, if not equal, challenges if we get enough people to sign up for conclave. Remind all of your brothers in our section to register and I hope to see you all there. 

For this Vibe, I would like to leave with a poem from H.W. Davies that encapsulates May and the environment of summer camp we promote. 

“In May”

Yes, I will spend the livelong day
With Nature in this month of May;
And sit beneath the trees, and share
My bread with birds whose homes are there …

Yours in Scouting, 

Jackson McCullough
2023 Section G16 Vice Chief