Photo Contest: Activation Events

We are excited to announce our next photo contest of 2023! 

Our next photo contest will run through November 15, 2023 and will be focused on activation events.

All you have to do is submit your photos by November 15 and you are entered into the contest. The contest is open to all Arrowmen, both youth and adults, to participate. 

Contest Rules: 

  • Must be a member of a lodge in Section G16
  • All photos must be submitted by the person who took the photos 
  • All photos must have been taken during the 2023 Summer/Fall season
  • Photos should be related to activation events and Arrowmen getting “activated” in the OA. 
  • All photos must be submitted by November 15, 2023, to be eligible for the contest
Selection of Winner & Prize: 

Shortly after the submission deadline, the section comms team will select their favorite 8 photos from all of the submissions to move on to the public voting round. The top 8 photos will be organized into a tournament bracket and published on the section’s social media accounts for members to vote for their favorite. Each round of voting will last for 24 hours. The winner of the final round will be the winner of the photo contest. 

The winner will have their photo featured in The Section Scoop and on the section website and will receive a prize (to be announced). 

Last Month's Winner

Congratulations to Ian Freel of Tsisqan Lodge for catching this amazing shot while participating in OA Trail Crew at Philmont Scout Ranch.