Chiefly Speaking – November 2023

Hello Arrowmen,

As we begin winding down the year, I would like to share with you all some goals I have for 2024. The goals I want to achieve are to help foster stronger relationships between our lodges, create more youth opportunities, and to provide support for lodges and chapters.

The main goal I want to accomplish is to help our lodges build stronger relationships with one another. A strong sense of unity within our section is something that can benefit us all because it allows us to share ideas and help support each other in accomplishing our goals. More importantly, it allows us to cultivate brotherhood and fellowship across our lodges which enhances the Scouting spirit for everyone.

My second goal is to create more youth opportunities. The section has a number of youth opportunities available, most notably within the comms team and the Council of Chiefs. We still have openings on both of those teams, so if you’re interested in helping out, please fill out the application forms included in the Section Scoop. We would love to have you be a part of the team. Once these roles are filled, I would like to have our Conclave Vice Chiefs find as many opportunities as possible for youth to step up and help plan and run conclave. If you have any ideas for ways you want to get involved, please reach out to me and I will help you find something you’ll enjoy.

My last major goal for the year is to provide support for our lodges and chapters. They are the backbone of our organization, and it is the section’s responsibility to help and support them in any way we can. I would ask lodge and chapter leaders what the section leadership team can do to help them achieve their goals and bring their vision to light.

In closing, I would like to thank you all for being what makes our section so amazing. I look forward to serving you this year.

Mason Lewallen
2023-24 Section Chief