2023 Lo La’Qam Geela Fall Fellowship Recap

Lo La’Qam Geela held its annual Fall Fellowship last month on the weekend of November 11th. It was hosted at Bingham Knoll in Jacksonville, Oregon. The theme this year was “Zombie Apocalypse,” and it was a blast!

The event kicked off with board games and setup as everyone was arriving, continuing late into the night. On the first night, there was also a cracker barrel to fill the stomachs of all the weary travelers who had come from near and far.

On Saturday, our schedule was packed with activities, including a zombie-themed scavenger hunt and activities course, a Veterans Day flag ceremony, a service project, and all-around fun. We also had a Brotherhood ceremony to prevent our members from sash-and-dashing.

Later in the day, we held our annual business meeting and elected our lodge officers for the next year.

Our new LEC is as follows:

● Anson Fleck: Lodge Chief
● Chyna Crossett: Vice Chief of Activities
● Wylie Patzlaff: Vice Chief of Membership
● Maddox Murphy: Vice Chief of Programs
● Jonny Morris: Vice Chief of Treasury
● Brodie Lillich: Vice Chief of Administration

Saturday evening concluded with our annual lodge banquet, where we announced awards, swore in our new officers, and had a feast to rival that of Gordon Ramsay.

We finished the banquet with a presentation about our 2023 year in review and then proceeded to our auction, where we raised plenty to ensure an even more awesome fellowship next year.

On Sunday, we packed up and went home, having had a weekend to remember and looking forward to our next year’s fellowship, where we will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of our lodge.

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!