A Message From the Chief

Brothers of G16, This past week at the National Planning Meeting, I was elected as the first Gateway Region Chief. I wholeheartedly thank each and every member of our section for supporting me along this adventure. My advisers, lodge chiefs, Ryo and Ben, are all such critical pieces to this accomplishment, and I couldn’t have done it without them.

Thank you!

In my term as section chief, I’ve ventured to each lodge, and connected with so many Arrowmen. It’s been an absolute pleasure running a conclave with my team. I’ve seen so many great things in this organization, but the individual Arrowmen is the most powerful thing I’ve seen. I encourage you all as Arrowmen to fully step into this organization. The OA survives on individual members and dedicated local leaders. Support your lodge, so they can support you. Ultimately, as region chief, I am required to step down from all other elected positions. After an amazing 16 months, I’ll no longer serve as section chief. It’s been a great process and I treasure the growth I’ve gained from the position, but the office of section chief is now vacant. The election to determine our new leadership will happen on the first night of our Council of Chief’s meeting on January 21st in Eugene, OR. Arrowmen interested in running for the office need to have a letter or email of approval from their Scout Executive or their designee and be under the age of 21 for their entire term. Please send this letter of approval to section adviser Vince Bishop at adviser@sectiong16.org.

Thank you all for the support you have given me – It’s a journey I couldn’t have don’t without you, and I’m excited to serve the Gateway Region.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Dirk Smelser 2022 Gateway Region Chief