I hope everyone has been doing well. I am super excited to spend my spring break with my family down in California. It has been a long two years and I can’t wait to see them again!
Spring has just begun and it is time for us once again to begin anew. To think that two years ago during March our Scouting program would shut down. But now, we are coming back stronger than ever. We recently had the National Leadership Seminar within our section where we trained the next generation of leaders in our chapters and lodges. Now they are more prepared than ever before to tackle the many challenges that our organization faces.
Our election season is coming to a close and now we need to prepare for our lodge’s inductions. We need to find ways to better the candidate experience. It is the small things that matter. An Elangomat continuing to reach out to their crew. An induction master ensuring meaningful service is happening at our council camps. No matter what our action is, it has to be one that improves the candidate experience as we work closer to ending sash and dashing.
With Scouting returning even more than before, I strongly encourage you to bring a buddy to your next Scouting event. Those that have not been as active within Scouting need that personal reach out from people like you. By reaching out to them, only then will we be able to reignite their passion for scouting that they once had. Do recall, “The ones who chose you, need you.” I ask you, what will you do?
Yours in Brotherhood,
Benjamin Flores
Section G16 Chief