Lo La’Qam Geela and Tsisqan Merge: Next Steps

The definition of a name is a word or group of words by which a person, animal, or thing is known. For a long time, Lo La’Qam Geela and Tsisqan have been known as the Firebird and the Running Deer. Soon, they will be known by a new name.

In January, the merger committee for the Tsisqan and Lo La’Qam Geela merge had their first meeting. The committee decided on the lodge standing rules, a list of lodge vice chief positions, a basic calendar, and a new lodge name and totem.

The fourteen youth involved in the committee had the chance to deepen their understanding of the way a lodge works. They not only learned how to merge a lodge, but got to meet each other as well. The connections that Lo La’Qam Geela and Tsisqan develop now will directly impact the merging process – the bridges built today will span the rivers of tomorrow.

In addition to building relationships, the merger committee was very productive with the weekend. Most of what remains to be done for the new lodge is by individual committees. The standing rules are virtually complete, with only a few small changes still needing to be made.

The next step in the merger process will be done by individual committees. The lodge officers from both lodges will pair up to create new programs and customs for their respective areas. This process will also be repeated for the prominent chair positions in the two lodges.

The next merger meeting will be in May, and the goal is to have as much done as possible by this meeting. Ideally, the event will consist of compiling the respective committees’ efforts into one document.

Perhaps the most exciting of all of the merger committee’s efforts is the new name and totem of the lodge. After getting dozens of responses from a survey sent out to both lodges, the merger committee was tasked with filtering through all of the options and selecting the new name and totem for the lodge.

Having a name is something often underestimated by established lodges. Tsisqan and Lo La’Qam Geela have had the same names for decades, and at a certain point they become monotonous; eventually, people start to forget what the Firebird or the Running Deer signified in the first place. Creating a new name instills a sense of ownership and belonging in the new lodge, and, for the foreseeable future, many people will understand why a sense of brotherhood is important to the new lodge.

After a long and interactive debate, the committee decided on the name: Kunamokst [pronounced “koon-uh-moxt”], meaning “together.” Shortly thereafter, they selected their totem to be “the elk.” These choices are some of the most important steps of the whole process, and everyone in the committee is excited to have a new name to rally behind!

In the Order of the Arrow, we strive for cheerful service, but we also pride ourselves on the connections and life-long friendships we create along the way. Kunamokst Lodge will focus on those relationships as we draw closer to the fire together.