Lo La’Qam Geela Lodge Update

2020 was a fun but slow year in Lo La’Qam Geela. Like many lodges across the nation, we tried our best to increase membership and keep members interested and motivated to participate.

After welcoming 40 new members, we currently have a total of 130 dues paid members. This year, we were able to have four in person inductions. Two chapters held their own induction weekends to help increase membership and youth/adult participation, and two induction weekends took place at both of our council camps.

We had a successful virtual fall fellowship in October which included our youth elections, a year review and our annual lodge auction. Our lodge was able to generate over a thousand dollars for the lodge and we look forward to putting that money to use in the coming year as we work to create an experience for our lodge focused around serving others.

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!