Secretary Statement — January 2023


I hope everyone has had a great start to the year, with unit election season in full swing, this is the time to elect the newest members in our Order. Please take some time to help your lodge election teams to help our lodges do this successfully. This is where Scouts learn what the Order of the Arrow is and what it has to offer them. Doing this will ensure the future of our Order.

This last weekend the planning of our 2023 Conclave started and I am very excited to see all of you in September at Rogue Community College down in the beautiful city of Grants pass. It is time for members like you to assist us with making this a great conclave. Volunteer to teach a training, help lead an activity, join the service corps, and many other opportunities for everyone. We want this to be a very memorable experience for everyone involved.

I am excited to see you in September.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Jack Lewy
Section G16 Secretary

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!