Tsisqan Update – March 2020

Hello Everyone!

Tsisqan gives you all a warm welcome nearing the end of the month. As the 2020 lodge chief, I wanted to push out a message to you all. As you all know, the recent circumstances regarding COVID-19 has made Scouting difficult this past month. I understand what is happening and am here to remind you all that we must continue as Scouts and Scouters no matter what is in front of us. Rain flies exist on our tents to ensure we stay dry while the weather isn’t perfect. Work on the merit badges you need for your ranks past first class, finish that eagle project plan (I know I should), and if it comes to it use the emergency preparedness kit our families have made. Stay connected with your unit, stock up on what you need, and stay home. I hope to see a lot of you at NOAC this year and I can’t wait for this all to pass so we can continue what is the source of joy in many of our lives.

Yours in Service,

Dustin Graves
2020 Tsisqan Lodge Chief

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!