Vice Chief Vibes – April 2020

Brothers of Section W-1S,
I hope you are all staying safe in these strange and troubling times. COVID-19 has taken its toll on all of us, and now more than ever, brotherhood is vitally important. As of right now, all section events, are scheduled as planned. As your ACT Conference chairman, I’m encouraging all up-and-coming youth leaders in the Order of the Arrow to attend our Adapt, Collaborate, and Thrive Conference this August. The training will be geared to making our three lodges reach the thriving status, and building our future youth leaders to ensure our Order thrives for years to come. Your section leadership is working hard to bring you virtual support to ensure OA operations throughout this obstacle. Stay safe Section W-1S. I’ll see you all at conclave!

Yours in Brotherhood,

Dirk Smelser
Section W-1S Vice Chief

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!