Vice Chief Vibes – December 2023

Greetings Arrowmen,

What are your goals? It doesn’t matter what those goals are, whether they are for the OA, career, education, or a little of all three. The chiefs and I at G16 are cooking up some new ideas and goals to implement them this year. Without goals, we have nothing to compare to.

But what makes goals, bars, or even expectations work? It’s to ask how and why are they there. I ask myself this same question when doing anything now. How and why am I doing a certain thing? How is the goal I want to attain going to work and why am I doing it?

The how can be easy. With the help of my cabinet and with a timeframe and attainable, SMART goal kind of stuff. The why is going to make you think critically about why anyone is doing anything. Refer to our mission statement of our Order, “to fulfill its purpose as an integral part of the BSA through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.” This is our why, find out your “why.”

Jackson McCullough
2023-24 Section Vice Chief

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