Vice Chief Vibes – January 2021

Brothers of Section W-1S,

I hope you all have had a safe first few weeks of 2021. Even with all of the craziness in these last months, there is hope that things will begin to look better as we progress through this year.

As of right now, the section is planning for our fall conclave — the theme will be Knights of the Order and it will take place at Hoodoo from Sept 10-12. I am also excited to serve as Training Committee Chair for 2020-2021. I’m committed to provide the best trainings at both conclave and through events during the coming year, including a reimagined ACT Conference! We will be releasing more information about that in near future!

I am excited to hopefully see you all in person again soon! Stay safe Section W-1S!

Yours in Brotherhood,

Kaitlyn Crowley
Section W-1S Vice Chief

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!