Wauna La-Mon’tay 2022 In Review

Hello everyone,

Wauna La-Mon’tay has had a great year in 2022. From debuting new events, to changes in the Lodge Standing Rules, the lodge has been able to accomplish most of its goals with the help of the chapter chiefs and lodge event staff.

Lodge Standing Rules Update

In January of 2022, the Lodge Executive Committee approved two major changes to the Lodge Standing Rules of Wauna La-Mon’tay. The first one was changing the role of Administration Vice Chief to Communications Vice Chief. This was done because the Administration VC role had become outdated and in need of replacement. The Communications Vice Chief takes on the responsibility the Administration Vice Chief had with publishing our Voice of Brotherhood magazine and more responsibility in social media specific duties. The other change to the Lodge Standing Rules was moving our term of office from May 1st-April 30th to December 1st-November 30th. This was done to synchronize our election schedule with other lodges in our section and the nation. This new schedule also allows potential candidates for lodge office to know what time commitments they currently have with school and other activities so they can see if they have enough time for an officer position.


This year our Rendezvous of the Order took place at Camp Meriwether as usual, but so much more happened. We had elections for two lodge officer positions that would soon be vacated, Communications Vice Chief and Membership Vice Chief. The event brought a lot more fun with its awesome Viking themed activities, participants got to enjoy fun games with a Viking twist along with the open shooting ranges. This year we had an awesome staff who helped make this event possible. Rend and set a standard for future Rendezvous’. Rendezvous is an event the lodge looks forward to every year with its fun activities and great food.

Wauna Inductions and Ceremonies Conference (WICC)

In April of 2022, we debuted a brand-new event called WICC! It took place at Camp Meriwether and the participant got to be trained on every aspect of the induction process from ceremonies to induction leadership. At WICC, we also did a rededication ceremony where participants experienced the Ordeal Ceremony in a new way and rededicated themselves to the Obligation and principles of the Order of the Arrow. WICC is an awesome event and has led to a very successful induction season in 2022. Our inductions ran smoother than ever and most importantly, the candidates had a great experience all thanks to the hard work put in to plan and conduct WICC.

Fall Rendezvous

all Rendezvous is an event we hold in October at Camp Meriwether. Last year, we did Polestar training, but this year it was where our lodge elections took place. We have a new team of officers prepared to take Wauna into 2023 and put the lodge in a great spot for years to come. Elections are not the only thing done, we also had lots of fun activities to do like have open ranges and climbing tower, but we also had a Pinewood Derby! Participants got to create their own cars and race to see who was fastest. It is only the second time this event has occurred, and it already has lots of traction and has made itself a staple of our lodge events thanks to the great event staff.

In 2023 and beyond, it will be called Fall Summit to avoid confusion with Rendezvous.

All in all, Wauna La-Mon’tay has had a tremendous year and I’m eagerly looking forward to making the lodge the best it can be in 2023.


— Mason Lewallen, Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge Chief

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!