Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge Update

Our lodge began with receiving the innovation award from national for the “Event One” program which was created to stop sash and dash. In January, our lodge had the NW Arrowmen Arts and Ceremonies Seminar and in March was Rendezvous, held at Camp Meriwether, where the lodge officer elections took place. During those weekends there were a total of 50 Brotherhood inductions.

Many changes happened during the year within the lodge. To begin with, there was chapter reorganization where our lodge went from 15 chapters down to 8 chapters. The transition went very smoothly for our chapters. Continuing on, our lodge decided to discontinue the use of regalia.

With the cancellation of our four spring inductions, our lodge found a way to make an opportunity for candidates to get inducted through a hybrid model. Friday night was a pre-recorded pre-ordeal ceremony and candidates met the rest of their challenges on Saturday at a State Park. Our lodge welcomed 142 new members through the hybrid induction model in the fall. During those inductions, the new extended Elangomat program was released and an OA Welcome Session was done with parents and candidates.

To keep members engaged, we put on monthly virtual activities. Some of which were Among Us and Kahoot. To end the year our lodge had our College of Youth Leadership held over Zoom to train the next generation of leaders in our council

Conclave Registration is NOW OPEN!