Section News Archive

Section Publications

2022 Tsisqan Lodge Officer Retreat Recap

On November 11th-13th, Tsisqan Lodge held its annual Lodge Officer Retreat at Camp Baker. While there, my officers and I received valuable training from our

2022 Lo La’Qam Geela Fall Fellowship Recap

Fall Fellowship this year was one to remember for Lo La’Qam Geela Lodge. After a last minute location change due to weather, Lo La’ moved

Secretary Statement – November 2022

Brothers, We are almost at the end of the calendar year. All of our lodges have elected their new officers and we are all looking

Serve The 2023 Jamboree With Operation Arrow

Operation Arrow Session 1 (July 16-23, 2023)Session 2 (July 24-29, 2023)Session 3 (July 16-29, 2023) The 2023 National Scout Jamboree will take place July 19-28

2022 Gateway Region SOS Recap

On October 21-23, 2022, section officers and advisers from across the region gathered in Kansas City for the first-ever Gateway Region Section Officer’s Seminar (SOS).

2022 Conclave Recap

On September 9-11, 2022, the first-ever conclave for Section G16 was held at Powerland Heritage Park near Salem, OR. Over 300 Arrowmen from across the

Section Update – October 2022

Thank You Vince Following this year’s conclave, it was announced to members of the Council of Chiefs that Vince Bishop would not be continuing as

2022 Tsisqan Annual Fellowship Recap

Tsisqan Lodge held it’s Annual Fellowship on October 14-16th at Camp Baker. This year’s Annual Fellowship was a blast! The theme for the weekend was

2022 Wauna La-Mon’tay Fall Rendezvous Recap

Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge had a great Fall Rendezvous! In addition to all the fun games and trainings we had at Meriwether, the lodge elected their